Welcome friends and colleagues to the Educating for Change weblog! Bonnie has gotten so many thoughtful and thought provoking responses to her online newsletter and website that we are way ahead of schedule in creating a conversational forum for the exchange of ideas. Please join Bonnie and hundreds of others who realize the importance of making change in the field of education, and ultimately, throughout the world.

POSTING DIRECTIONS: Click on the title of the thread (topic) in which you are interested. At the end of the thread, there is an option to post a comment. Click here and follow the prompts in the pop up window. Be sure to enter the security word.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Perfect School

The responses to the newsletter about “The Perfect School” were rich and varied. Many who responded agreed with the teachers. One person said art should be included with the first suggestion. I agree. One educator asked why there was no reference to race relations when I had written that we were having courageous conversations during the retreat. Good comment! The answer to this question is that “The Perfect School” was a warm-up question before we began the courageous conversations about race. However, I agree that “positive race relations” or “strong relationships across races and cultures” is a necessary component of The Perfect School.

What do you think? What do we really need? Think inside the box; think outside the box, but share your thoughts . .


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